1. Prize
- £2000 TEGIWA Store Credit!
- No minimum entries
- Maximum number of entries - 668
2. What is the competition?
- We are giving you the chance to win a £2000 TEGIWA STORE CREDIT by simply entering our competition.
- The parts MUST be listed on our website - https://www.tegiwa.com
- Rather than just purchasing a raffle ticket, to abide by Lottery / Gambling rules you must answer a question that requires a certain element of skill or knowledge.
- Each entry to the competition is £4.99 (unless discounted). Entrants are limited to 50 entries per person.
- The winner will be selected at random from the list of entrants that answered the question correctly.
3. Who can enter?
- Our competition is directed to people residing in the UK only.
- It is solely the responsibility of the participant to check the legalities of entering our competitions from their home country.
- You are not eligible for the competition if you are under the age of 18, employed by Tegiwa Imports LTD or you are materially connected to the administration of the Prize Draw.
4. When is it?
- The competition starts Wednesday 29th January from 10:00:00 AM (GMT)
- The competition will end Thursday 27th February 2025 at 23:59 PM (GMT)
- We reserve the right to bring forward the competition end date.
- An entry list with your random number assigned will be emailed to all entries 24 hours before the draw.
5. Winners
- Upon winning, the prize must be claimed within 14 days after the competition end date (including if the end date is brought forward). Failure to do so will result in loss of the prize.
6. General Terms:
- You must claim the Prize personally. The Prize may not be claimed by a third party on your behalf. Details of how the Prize will be delivered to you (or made available for collection) are published on the Website, or available on request.
- The prize has no cash equivalent, and no alternatives will be offered.
- Tegiwa Imports LTD reserves the right to suspend, change or cancel the promotion at any time, in the event of circumstances arising which, in Tegiwa's opinion, make it necessary for it to do so.
- The decision of Tegiwa Imports LTD regarding any aspect of this promotion is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- Each entry is assigned an auto increment ID. We will use the random number generator from www.google.com, and generate a random number. If this matches an entry ID that contains the correct answer, this will be used as the winning entry. If the number drawn is for an incorrect answer, then we will redraw until a winning number is drawn. We will record the number generation process in case of any disputes.
- Any entries made without payment / failed payments will not be counted.
- View our full competition Terms & Conditions HERE.
7. Online Scams:
- Tegiwa Imports LTD cannot be held responsible for any victims falling for online scams posing as Tegiwa competitions. All official competitions conducted by Tegiwa can be found exclusively on our website at https://www.tegiwa.com. Winners of our competitions may be contacted via phone, but official email communications will always come from a @tegiwa.com email address. Furthermore, all competition winners are drawn live on our YouTube channel, which can be accessed at www.youtube.com/tegiwa.
- If you are unsure whether you have been subjected to a scam or have any doubts about the legitimacy of a competition, please contact us directly at admin@tegiwa.com.