DRAG CARTELB ELITE SeriesB LONGBLOCKB is designed for the ultimate drag-racer in mind looking to spareB no expenses when it comes to quality. The ELITEB Super 99 2.5L Ultimate 420HP N/AB engine isB sleeved for yourB ultimate racer inB mind looking for strength and reliability in his race program. These engines utilizeB an OEM HONDA 99MM crankshaft,B SaenzB Custom 300MB Rods equipped with ARP625B bolts and JE Custom FSR Forged Pistons.B The top end features our certified award winning
440 CFM CNC cylinder head equipped with a Single Pro Stock inspired spring and Drag Cartel Single Lobe Camshafts. Each Motor is blue printed and measured for proper tolerances and clearances utilizing King & or ACL Bearings . Each motor willB include a full spec sheet for your reference including full camshaft degree andB lobe separation data.